September 2, 2011

1st Year Albums... Woot! Woot!

I love first year sessions. Not only do I get the honor or documenting little people grow and hit milestones over their first year I get to watch the family dynamics evolve. It's awesome.  At the end of the year I provide a professional album. It's so neat to flip through the pages and see where these little ones were just a year ago.... sweet, innocent, squishy newbies. Now they are walking, blowing kisses and giving lots of loves as little independents.  There are so many album cover choices too - suede, typical baby pinks and blues and more sophisticated browns and high-end leathers. These sessions make an awesome group gift.... think about it.  Have a great Labor day everyone!  


1 comment:

Marla said...

Calynn, if I had heard of your work sooner, we would have LOVED for you to photography Connor's first year!!! We are in awe with his 6 month pictures and look forward to you shooting him again! Thanks for such great work!


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