September 5, 2011

Bridal Shower Amazingness.... {Event}

Courtney from Petals Planning threw an incredible bridal shower for her sister and I was so lucky to be there to document it.  She had a rockstar team comprised of Sweet Heather Anne (sweets), Eat (delicious food) and Misty Farms (super duper venue - for real).  You can't go wrong.

I have a new love for lentil sliders with cucumber zip sauce.......

The Mother of the Bride's dress when she was married... how cool!
The guest of honor... that face tells it all.... she was WOWED.
I just love the way grandma is look at her granddaughter here.

Four generations of beauty!

 Gracias. Quiero dos.

How great are sliders for shower food?!?  
Served with delicious salad and homemade potato chips. DELISH.

Samantha+Ryan {Wedding}

Love a man in uniform. 
Ryan and Samantha were married this past June at the beautiful Shepherds Hollow Golf Club.  These two were so in love it was just awesome. Their vows were some of the best I have ever heard.  Ryan is a Marine and I have so much respect for him, his family and Samantha - Thank you Ryan for all that you do for our country. Thank you to your family and wife for the sacrifices they also have made on behalf of your service. I cannot even imagine what it would be like to be a newlywed with a Marine husband.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Also, check out their trailer with 5:16 Productions
Grab a tissue. You will need it.


September 2, 2011

1st Year Albums... Woot! Woot!

I love first year sessions. Not only do I get the honor or documenting little people grow and hit milestones over their first year I get to watch the family dynamics evolve. It's awesome.  At the end of the year I provide a professional album. It's so neat to flip through the pages and see where these little ones were just a year ago.... sweet, innocent, squishy newbies. Now they are walking, blowing kisses and giving lots of loves as little independents.  There are so many album cover choices too - suede, typical baby pinks and blues and more sophisticated browns and high-end leathers. These sessions make an awesome group gift.... think about it.  Have a great Labor day everyone!  


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